A Letter to Paul Harris

A Letter to Paul Harris

A Letter to Paul Harris This article isn’t just for Rotary members.  If you are a Rotarian, I hope that you will read this…and share it with other Rotarians.  If you are not a Rotarian, I hope that you will read this letter, and ask me questions about the...
Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine We refer to the sunrise as that time when the upper edge of the sun appears over the horizon. It’s really a beautiful event, seemingly regardless of where you are.But contrary to the notion, and to the words we use to describe it…a sunrise...
Interrupting Andrew Jackson

Interrupting Andrew Jackson

Interrupting Andrew Jackson  “You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.” – Andrew Jackson Funny thing happened with this morning’s reflection, while I was reading a biography of Andrew Jackson.  Really interesting dude, to say...
Titanic Decisions

Titanic Decisions

Titanic Decisions “The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way.” – Alice Waters Despite the fact that there were 2,224 people aboard the RMS Titanic, there were 20 lifeboats, with a capacity of 1,178. Despite the...