One Thing I Hate about Servant Leadership

One Thing I Hate about Servant Leadership

One Thing I Hate about Servant Leadership Without turning this post into a dissertation… Servant Leadership is simply a leadership strategy (and philosophy) in which the main goal of the leader, is to serve.  Duh…  Right? Now I say the word...
The Infinite Black Hole that is: YouTube

The Infinite Black Hole that is: YouTube

The Infinite Black Hole that is: YouTube I could spend all day on YouTube.  Literally. All. Day. Sometimes I even look at it as a “problem”.  There’s just too much incredible content.   Admittedly, part of the ‘problem’…is my...
Hope in the Stars

Hope in the Stars

Hope in the Stars What new day must comeOn light and stringTo guide us through the darkened void An eternal concentricityThat shows us just a glimpseOf the here, and the now, and the then What reason lies beyond those flashesWhat sense of what IS, and of what is RIGHT...