40 Percent Less Sodium?

“How we frame our thoughts, is nearly as important as the thoughts themselves.”
33% less sugar? 33% less than what?
50% off? 50% off of what price?
40% less sodium? 40% less than what? Isn’t that a pretty important detail?
If you really stop and think about it, isn’t it fascinating how many times we ignore the basic details of a situation, and solely focus on the comparison?
In our minds, when something we’re about to eat has “40% less sodium”, we feel better about eating it. We believe that we’ve somehow avoided a much worse situation, because you know, the prior amount of sodium was way too high. Right?
Now, the reasoning behind why this works (not to mention the countless ways it’s used in advertising every single moment of our lives) is a bit too broad for this short post…but I’ll just say that it’s rooted in several different factors: Social conditioning, our innate desire to avoid pain/loss and achieve pleasure, and even the fact that most people are just poor at fractions.
The main thing I found interesting about this, is the enormous power of comparison. Of perspective.
Humans respond to analogies, and comparisons. We’re more prone to triggering an emotional response, when something is relatable via analogy (because we can find a common thread with our own lives), or comparison (because we instantly believe that we’ve gained a beneift, and/or avoided a loss).
These psychological principles can be extremely powerful, once you start to realize them.
They can be powerful when dealing with others, whether you’re an advertiser or just engaged in social interaction. But more importantly, they can be powerful when dealing with yourself.
How we frame our thoughts, is nearly as important as the thoughts themselves.
When is the last time that, instead of focusing on how bad a particular situation is, you focused on all the ways your life is better off, than say…10 years ago?
When is the last time, instead of dreaming about how much money you’d like to have…you compared your economic situation with that of America’s homeless?
Can you find someone that has 33% less than you?
Perspective is incredibly powerful. How we frame our thoughts, is nearly as important as the thoughts themselves.
Can you recall a story that made you really, really grateful about your life?
Recall that story…right now. I guarantee, it’ll make you 25% happier.
But hurry…if you do it right now, I’m going to give you a special limited time offer.
The first 10 of my readers that comment on this post, with a note of gratitude…will receive an extra 25% happiness.
And finally…I wish I could tell you that supplies are limited. That would perhaps create more urgency, and compell you to find a more grateful perspective. But the truth is…the supplies are limitless.
They are limitless, and only bound by your daily decision. To frame your own thoughts, and to find a more grateful perspective.