A Case for Unreasonability

by Oct 25, 2018Reflections

I believe…in being reasonable.

I believe…that most of what you see and hear from media and social outlets is, unreasonable.

Polarizing, extremist, myopic, self centered, closed-minded, “opinion journalism”, …call it what you will, but we are sadly missing the voices of those who are truly reasonable.

I’ve thought about this quite a bit, and most often taken pride in my ability to be…reasonable.

There is nothing more satisfying than a reasonable debate. A discussion based on logic, common sense, and a sense of morality based genuinely on the greater good.

And while the tenor of this note would seem to be political, it is not. It is personal.


Something hit me yesterday:

There are times in life when being un-reasonable, is exactly what is needed.

I’ve often thought about missed opportunities, third place finishes (literally and figuratively), or chances untaken. And what hit me, was that sometimes…a very reasonable nature, can create too much pause. Too much caution. Too much thought.

Sometimes, an unreasonable reaction…is precisely what we need. Precisely what we need to ACT.

What’s the key? Well…balance, of course.


I believe…in being reasonable. And even in this reflection, I will almost always choose reasonable, over unreasonable. The key, is balance. The key…is “almost”.

The key is knowing when to ignore the signals of caution, and common sense, and even empathy…and just act. One might say, knowing when to Just Do It.


This may look like impulse or irrationality, but I think it’s something far deeper. I think it may be one of the very things that separate those who operate at a high level (some may even say a “reasonably high level”), from those who operate at a truly exceptional level.  I think it may be an innate gift for some.


We all have an internal risk meter, programmed over thousands of years to keep us safe. But now, in an age where we are unprecedentedly safe (especially physically), these reflexes make us take pause in matters not just physical, but social, economic and emotional.

So today I challenge you: Be Unreasonable.

Not when others come to you for counsel. Not when you consider what’s best for those you love. Not even when you consider some of those issues that are the most divisive between us.

Be Unreasonable, when there is a pause between you, and greatness.

Be unreasonable, when the reasonable approach is to “not get hurt”.
Be unreasonable, when the reasonable approach is to “protect your assets”.
Be unreasonable, when the reasonable approach is to “act your age”.


And for those of you wondering when to know the right time to be unreasonable, I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m afraid I’m still figuring it out too. I think it’s just something we feel. A compulsion. One that can quickly, and too often get buried underneath of a reasonable blanket of emotional, financial or physical safety.

All I can do, is to share my perspective, in the hopes that you become more aware…as I have. That way, perhaps you’ll feel that compulsion, and recognize it. Recognize it as an opportunity, to love more, to risk more, to dream more.

Have a great day my friends.

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