A Message From St. Paddy

by Mar 17, 2020Reflections


I will not have green beer, corned beef & ham
I will not have them, quarantined I am
I will not have green beer, corned beef & ham
I will not have them, thanks Wuhan


I will not have them, not today
Not today, St. Paddy’s Day
We cannot gather just to say
Hello my friend, Happy St. Paddy’s Day


We will not toast to things we’ve done
We will not toast with anyone
We will not joke of kegs and eggs
No matter how much the Leprechaun begs


We will not sing an Irish song
Or wrestle with arms to see who’s strong
There will not be any green beer pong
And sadly…we will not feel like we all belong


We don’t know just how long it will last
We don’t know if this damn virus will be the last
But let’s take a queue from our very human past
The time for panic has got to pass


We can’t be blind and we can’t rewind
Until the treatment is refined
We must be safe, but we must be kind
This virus can also affect the mind


I wonder what St. Paddy would say
On this his day, St. Paddy’s Day
Would he cower and pray under skies of grey
Or would he grab a green beer and proudly say:


“Be still my flock, and lend me your ear
Your Irish Patron Saint is here…
Today is not the day to fear
Today is the day to make your mind clear…


Be smart, be calm and always know
You’re never, ever, in this alone
For on this day, St. Paddy’s Day
You are all my children, and I will show you the way.”


Now I’m not saying that St. Paddy knows
Just how long this calamity goes
But he clearly knows, like a shot of Wild Irish Rose
We need to tip it back and plug our nose


Then smile and take that whisky in
And grin the widest grin you can grin
For as difficult as this time may be to surpass
St. Paddy knows, This Too Shall Pass

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