by Eddie Kalaher | Aug 23, 2022 | Reflections
It’s Not Business, It’s Strictly Personal For many years I’ve struggled with my weight. Confronted at every turn by the modern image of the perfect male shape, and reminded by every mirror of my subcutaneous shortcomings. Kidding. Yes, I’m...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jun 20, 2022 | Reflections
Three Things that will get you Ripped, Fast For many years I’ve struggled with my weight. Confronted at every turn by the modern image of the perfect male shape, and reminded by every mirror of my subcutaneous shortcomings. Kidding. Yes, I’m self...
by Eddie Kalaher | Apr 21, 2022 | Reflections
My Dog is Shrinking In January, our family welcomed Benji… an F1b Saint Berdoodle. (they’re awesome, look ’em up) And since then, Benji has grown. And grown. And grown. He’s now approaching 5 months old and just passed the 40 pound mark....
by Eddie Kalaher | Apr 1, 2022 | Reflections
A Why’s Man Once Said… Call me Doctor. Had a chance recently to catch up with Dr. Theodor Geisel… really interesting guy. Found out a few things: 1. He and I share a fascination with our mind’s authority. What I mean is…it is most...
by Eddie Kalaher | Mar 5, 2022 | Reflections
My Friend, Don While I could make the argument that every day brings us a reason to take pause, and to be grateful for the blessings in our life…the truth is, it usually takes a reminder (often grim) to make this sentiment resonate. I was recently asked to say a...
by Eddie Kalaher | Feb 24, 2022 | Reflections
Thumbs of Steel My grandfather, Elbert, was deaf and mute his entire life. Couldn’t hear a damn thing, and couldn’t speak. He could only make some noises, more grunts really…which changed in pitch, depending on his emotion or intent. Papa, as I...