Change The Algorithm, Change Your Life

by Jan 5, 2020Reflections

We all sort of understand that our lives are increasingly influenced (if not controlled) by algorithms.  Even if we don’t really know what an algorithm is.

In short (very short), an algorithm is a set of rules or instructions.

Algorithms are usually associated, for good reason, with computers.  Sets of instructions, written in “code”, that computers follow to solve problems, and now…to influence behavior.  Algorithms can be used to predict what we want to watch or buy, they can be used to determine whether or not we get a home loan, and they will soon be used to drive our cars.

And while this may still just be computer ‘mumbo jumbo’, reserved just for progammer ‘geeks’, to a lot of us…what if I told you that we are all constantly writing our own algorithms.


What I mean is this:  You and I might not be programming a computer with sets of instructions, but each and every day we are programming our minds with sets of instructions.  With expectations, with beliefs and with principles by which we set our own personal standards.

When we change the algorithms that a computer follows, we change the result.  And it is no different for us.


To illustrate just a few examples, we’re going to learn a bit of computer programming…right here, right now.

In all computer languages, there are statements (functions) called “IF, THEN, ELSE”.  These functions help computers determine what to do, at the proverbial fork in the road.  A scenario where more than one path is possible.

The first action is defined as the “IF”. IF I do this…or IF I do that.
The consequence of that action, is the THEN.
And the ELSE, is the alternate action, or the alternate consequence.

For example (and I’ll write it sort of ‘computer-y’:

IF the password entered is correct
  THEN allow access to the website
    ELSE write “Access Denied” on the screen.

There is of course, more going on in the ‘background’, but hopefully this clarifies the concept.


My contention, is that we all generate IF THEN ELSE statements. All of us, all the time. Let’s call them ‘thought algorithms‘.

Sometimes we utilize them to make reactionary decisions to the options in front of us…

For example:

IF I eat ice cream every day
  THEN my waistline will continue to expand
    ELSE I can continue to wear these jeans.

And sometimes, we use them when designing the goals and aspirations of our LIFE.


Consider these typical thought algorithms:

IF I buy this car
  THEN people will think I’m cool
    ELSE they won’t

IF I get that promotion
  THEN my life will be great
    ELSE I’ll look like a failure

IF I refuse to ever be wrong
  THEN people will know how smart I am
    ELSE they’ll think they’re better than me

IF I do what everyone else is doing
  THEN I’ll be safe
    ELSE I’ll be vulnerable


Now please, consider these alternate thought algorithms:

IF I strive to serve others, before myself
  THEN I will make a positive impact on those around me, and the world
    ELSE I will never truly know empathy

IF I live in a state of gratitude
  THEN I will always appreciate all that I have, and I will find joy in the now
    ELSE I will never truly be content

IF I work each day to be the very best version of myself
  THEN I will bring love and strength to my family
    ELSE I will find myself, one day, facing the ultimate hell… that I never became the man I’m capable of being.

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