Confidence Is Not Enough

It’s morning, you’re standing in front of the mirror…staring into your own eyes. Perhaps you’re brushing your teeth. You’re thinking about the day ahead, and the challenges at hand.
Perhaps you’ve got an important meeting, or something that needs confronted at work. Perhaps you’re starting a new endeavor, or meeting someone important. Or maybe, it’s simply a challenge for you to leave the house each day and face the big, bad, wonderful yet overwhelming world.
I’m quite certain you’ve been there, in front of the mirror, regardless of which situation might apply. And my guess is that your stare, deep into your own reflected eyes, is an attempt to pierce beyond what’s seen, penetrate your deepest consciousness, and summon that which we’ve been taught will serve us so well… Confidence.
And you’re right to cultivate those seeds of confidence. Confidence will liberate your voice because you know what you bring to the conversation. Confidence will liberate your actions because you aren’t in doubt of your worth. And confidence deliver you into new circles, because you know the value of your ideas.
But allow me to provide a few words of caution: Confidence Is Not Enough
Confidence without thought, is Ignorance. Confidence without concern, is Arrogance.
The ignorant soul mistakes confidence for courage, and leads himself and/or others to failure for lack of forethought. In many cases, confidence cannot overcome preparation. In many cases, confidence cannot overcome timing. You see, just because you have confidence, does not mean that you’re able to overcome all of the obstacles before you. There is a difference between having the courage to act, and having the confidence to act.
The arrogant soul mistakes confidence for superiority, and leads himself and/or other to failure for lack of concern. The arrogant soul is not concerned with the opinions or intentions of those around him. Instead, he is consumed with his own ego, and tries to convince those around him (and even himself) that he has all the answers. The arrogant soul has not considered true confidence, but is instead consumed with being seen as confident.
Confidence is a powerful state. It can mean the difference between a life of mere passive participation, and one of passionate pursuit. But, confidence is not enough.
The avoidance of ignorance, comes from the acknowledgement that there is always something to learn. And the avoidance of arrogance, comes from the acknowledgment that there is always someone to serve.
True confidence requires HUMILITY.
Humility is the great quench to an internal fire that may be fed by ignorance, or worse yet, arrogance. It is the acknowledgment of empathy, and the ability to understand that true knowledge exists in knowing and embracing our own limitations.
So the next time you’re staring into that mirror, understand that you have incredible potential when you are confident. But realize that humility is what you need to temper that confidence into a power that is truly limitless.