Corona-SHIFT: How Will You Remember This Time?

I can’t believe it’s already the end of May. Right? We all know how time flies by… so I hope you’re not taking these moments for granted. For each day is truly an opportunity, to broaden our perspective, to work towards our goals, and to serve others.
The last few months have been unlike any we’ve seen…that’s easy to say. But if you would’ve asked me in mid-March if I would have felt this optimistic on June 1st, I wouldn’t have believed you, not for a moment.
Now I’m not saying that our path forward is crystal clear and full of nothing but unicorns and rainbows, and I KNOW how many people and businesses out there are still staring point-blank down the barrel of uncertainty.
But I am saying this: I have no doubt that opportunities have arisen from this corona-mess…this Corona-SHIFT. Opportunities both personal, and professional.
Just think of the challenges that we’ve all just faced (and will continue to face for the foreseeable future): Health concerns, economic uncertainty, work and schooling interruptions, safety protocols and the strange concept of a “new normal”.
All of these challenges have forced us to pay more attention to certain parts of our lives. They’ve forced us to reconsider the fragility of life and health. They’ve forced us to become better financial stewards. They’ve forced us to become more involved in our children’s education. They’ve forced us to challenge our long-held conceptions of how we interact, at work and at play.
These actions…while forced, must become LESSONS.
And… we must USE THEM.
Use them to SHIFT how you care for your fitness.
Use them to SHIFT how you manage your finances.
Use them to SHIFT how you reinforce your child’s education.
Use them to SHIFT how you treat relationships with family, friends and neighbors.
Do not let these lessons fade. Do not let this URGENCY fade.
Raise your standards! Make a SHIFT.
We will all remember this crazy time in our lives.
The question is…how will you remember it?