Euphemistically Yours

by Aug 23, 2018Reflections

Euphemism – A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

You’ve probably heard, and used, many euphemisms in your day-to-day life…even if you didn’t recognize it at the time.

Some famous euphemisms:


And while these seem like harmless, sometimes even funny, ways to describe something you’d sometimes not want to say aloud, it seems this linguistic tool has been warped…often to conceal motives or activities that range from distasteful to malicious.

Euphemisms are being used to make serious, sensitive and sometimes wicked behaviors and statements, seem benign. Often for the benefit of those committing them, or saying them.

Some examples:



After World War 1, the term SHELL SHOCK was coined to describe the suffering that many soldiers were enduring after being exposed to prolonged warfare and intense bombardment by explosive and such.

SHELL SHOCK. That term elicits emotion, pain…and hopefully, to those who hear it, empathy.

The term has been changed though…to something a little more mild: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.

Doesn’t evoke as much emotion, does it? I wonder WHY these words tend to change?

Is it our own personal need to ease our mind? Or is there a more nefarious motive by those who often manipulate the language?

I suppose it’s a combination of those factors, like most things. And I don’t want to dive into a rant laced with thoughts on greed and political correctness.

Rather…I’d like to share a few euphemisms that, upon reflection, I’ve been using in my own life:



And perhaps the most insidious…



Be careful of your language my friends, especially when talking to yourself. Those words may trap you, may deceive you, and what’s worse…may keep you from living your best life, in gratitude. And before you know it, it may be too late.

Oh, I’m sorry. Here’s what I meant to say:

Food for Thought.

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