Everyday is the Superbowl

I think that many of us measure ourselves, and in fact ascribe our sense of happiness (or at least contentment) by…progress.
I can definitively say that I have observed myself to be happier, when I feel I’m making progress. Towards my goals, and towards a picture of who I want myself to be.
My guess is that part of this is innate…that is to say that some people have an intrinsic need, or inner drive to accomplish certain things. These accomplishments push us forward, and the very act of moving forward is satisfying.
But I also suspect that these seeds are planted at en early age, and watered continuously through the course of our Western lifestyle. We are rewarded for our progressive achievements, as we grow.
Think about it. We’re rewarded and praised when we:
- Learn to walk, then talk, then speak
- Learn to spell, then write
- Graduate to the next level of education
- Enter adulthood and contribute to society
- Get a new car, buy a home
- “Settle down”, start a family…
Progress, progress, progess…and in most cases, praise, praise, praise.
We seem to tie much of our happiness to these steps forward, (and let’s not forget the accumulation of ‘things’ and ego enhancements along the way.)
But what is making us happy? The journey, or simply the milestones we’re conditioned to believe will bring us significance and adoration.
One of the side effects of this mindset is the notion of “winning the day“. It is this concept that woke me this morning.
I am absolutely a fan of this mindset. I am a believer in daily, incremental gains. I believe that if we can re-center, each day, and find our purpose, even in our daily and necessary tasks…that we can continuously make progress towards our best self.
I’ve already said that I’ve undoubtedly observed myself to be more content, more happy, when I’m making this progress. But have I been hoodwinked?
Can every day be a step? Should every day be a step?
Can every day be a win? Should every day be a win?
Can we live every day like it’s our Superbowl? Can we live every day with the passion to make it count, and in fact to perform at our absolute best?
And perhaps more importantly, should we?
Consider this quote:
Go Fast! Go Hard! Finish! Win the Day! – Eric Thomas
Dude…I get it. Not only do I get it, but I LOVE it. I love it, and in many ways I am plagued by it.
Have you ever listened to Eric Thomas speak? When he speaks of the grind, or performing each day like it’s the Superbowl…I get fired up. I get fired up, and I get more done. I get more done, and I feel that progress has been made. I feel that progress has been made, and I’m…happier.
But then consider this quote:
“The day you stop racing, is the day you win the race.” – Bob Marley
Oh shit Batman. I get this one, too.
It’s profound. It makes you take a step back. I would even say it’s in direct contradiction to the concept of winning the day.
The real question is: Which one is right?
Which approach leads to contentment. Which approach calms the inner beast. Which approach brings us to happiness.
My friends, I’m here to tell you: I don’t have the answer.
I suspect there is wisdom in both. I believe that there is a natural balance to all things. And I know that there are times when each philosophy speaks to me.
I see the person I’m capable of being, and I’m happier when I’m walking towards that man. But I’ve also felt the satisfying realization that it’s when I stop walking, and appreciate being, that my heart fills.
I don’t have the answer. But I’m sure as hell going to pursue it.
I’m going to pursue the nature of thought and mindset and achievement and happiness. I’m going to blog about it, because it helps my process and calms my inner beast. I’m going to spill my thoughts onto electronic canvas, and I’m going to use that fuel to WIN THE DAY.
Ut oh, here we go again.