Father’s Day: Shitty Statistics and some Significant Sapience

Did you know that over 20MM children in our country live without their father?
And countless studies have been made on the effect this has on children. In fact:
71% of high school dropouts, came from a fatherless home.
85% of children with diagnosed behavioral disorders, came from…
90% of homeless/runaway children, came from…
63% of youth suicides were committed by children who came from….
85% of the youth in prison, came from…
Father’s Day shouldn’t only be to celebrate the man who helped to bring you into this world, but the man who, because of his presence and example, continues to in fact give you LIFE.
And now, as my shitty statistical review has hopefully given you reason to pause and be even more grateful for the father(s) in your life…I’d like to give you a few other thoughts to ponder. Six, to be exact. Or as I’ll call it, some Significant Sapience.
(and yes, I had to look up Sapience to satisfy my obsession with alliterative post titles)
3 things that I want my sons to realize, and to understand.
1. My love for them is indefinable. Exercise: name some things that you just can’t live without. Now, name some experiences that were the absolute best of your life. Now take these things and multiply them by 1MM. This is what your dad feels for you, every, single, day.
2. You have no limits. With the right purpose, with the right intention…you have absolutely no limits. And your father can help you reach whatever heights you wish to reach. In fact, that’s exactly what he wants.
3. Unending opportunity lies in the Service of others. It simply does not matter what you want to achieve…the opportunity will present itself, if your purpose is to serve others. When your purpose is to serve, not only will you receive unending opportunity, but you will discover the most powerful force in creating a happy life, gratitude. Once you become grateful, the world changes.
And now, 3 things I want to remind myself of, every day, about being a father.
1. I won’t always be there. Treasure our time NOW. And seize opportunities to teach them resilience through adversity and loss.
2. Our bond absolutely cannot be broken. If you’ve ever had to spend time away from your children, you’ll understand how important this is to remember.
3. This one for me has become the most important…because it encapsulates countless other lessons that I want my sons to learn.
My habits will become their habits. My work ethic, my demeanor, my passion or compassion. How I react to adversity, how I stand in the face of desperation. My commitment to service, my temper, my diet and exercise. My habits will become their habits.
What habits am I giving to them…and what will those habits do for them, for their lives, for their own family?
I love you, boys.
Happy Father’s Day everyone.