I Suggest You Quit Your Job Immediately

What compels people to ACT? What compels YOU to take action?
ANSWER: Emotion.
Logic (which I love), can certainly prompt you to act. You can have a moment of logical clarity that leads to excitement and action. But…real action…SUSTAINED action, only occurs when we become emotional.
When we generate enough emotional energy, there isn’t anything we can’t do. But how? I’ll get to that.
I know for a fact, that my life is better when I follow a system or routine. It’s something I think about constantly. It’s something I aspire to execute, constantly. But I very often fail.
Why? Because I don’t concentrate on creating enough emotional energy.
I see my goals in front of me: My body and health, my business, my income, my relationships.
I see the logical path to achieve them.
But I often fail to act. My purposeful actions ebb and flow. Highs and lows. Consistent stretches of ass-kicking, and then a stretch of lethargy and mediocrity.
Why? Because I don’t concentrate on creating enough emotional energy.
Ever feel like that?
Ever feel like that with your business or career?
- Maybe you want to implement a better system of training for your team.
- Maybe you want to bring consistent energy and enthusiasm to every sales call or meeting.
- Maybe you want to hit a certain sales number.
- Maybe you want to expand your business.
- Maybe you want to hone a skill.
- Maybe you want to finish that big project
It is said that if you find a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. But damn…that can be really, really hard to do.
So here is my suggestion, instead:
Quit just ‘doing’ your job… and Find Your Purpose.
Take a second look at your professional (and personal) goals, and then get absolutely clear on WHY you want to achieve them.
Finding your purpose, finding your WHY…this is how you create sustained emotional energy.
See yourself achieving all of the successes that you have imagined. Feel the impact that has on everyone and everything that you want to serve by the pursuit and achievement of your goals. Focus on your purpose.
Quit doing your JOB… and start seeing your Purpose.
I’m quite certain that your boss (and we all have ’em) will thank you for it.