If the Devil is in the Details, Where are All the Angels?

When this phrase, which I’ve said thousands of times, popped in my head this morning…it took on more than its normal meaning.
Typically, I would use this phrase (as I assume would most of you) to describe, or even prescribe, a warning that mistakes are often made by not paying attention to the situation at hand. A project, a set of instructions, perhaps a contract or written agreement. Yes, this well-known phrase seems to take on practical or pragmatic meaning, at least for me.
But this morning, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed…by the details.
Not just the details and responsibilities of adult life, but of the world. Of our world. This world of covid, and politicalization, and civil unrest. Of A.I., of crypto, of gender identity and interest rates.
You know, all those details that are now ever-present. 24/7/365 via every device from our phones to the gas pump… to the damn toaster.
That’s when I decided to look further into the phrase. And you know what? I found something incredible.
Turns out that “the devil is in the details”, was preceded by the original phrase “God is in the details.”
How perfect. How… “as it should be”.
Of course! The overwhelm and anxiousness and fear that can lie in the constant barrage of blue-light-delivered details, is just one part of the equation.
Because you see…there is hope and gratitude and inspiration there too. In the details.
They’re there. And they always have been. They’ve just been concealed. Buried. Overrun.
But they are there, oh yes…they. are. there.
But it takes work. It takes a will to shift our perspective. Each and every day.
It takes work to see the good. To shift our focus away from the headlines and towards the heroes.
And I know this all sounds conveniently optimistic, straight out of a ‘chicken soup’ book. But hear me out…on this one real-world example.
I often hear people say, “what difference can I make?”. They’re referring to the aforementioned details that we’re surrounded with constantly, and lamenting on how they can affect positive change in society. And here is my answer:
You most definitely aren’t going to change the world, with a meme.
I enjoy them too…but the world is much more complex than that. Heck, the smallest parts of our daily lives are more complex. Memes are good for some quick attention, but if you really want to change the world…it’s in the details. And here’s how you can start.
Change Yourself.
Change yourself, change your perspective and change what details you choose to see. Look for the good, look for the gratitude. Look for solutions instead of launching complaints. Look for the heroes.
It isn’t easy, but how you see the details will change your family and your fortune.
From there…look to be a positive change to your neighbors. Then your community. Work “inside-out”.
Join a service organization…like Rotary. 🙂
Instead of trying to battle all of the devilish details that are thrust upon you each day in one fell swoop and “change the world”…start within. Inside-out.
It’s in the details. The small things. The individual acts of selflessness, and the daily recognition that underneath all the coercive messages that our modern world provides, there are indeed angels in the details.
We just have to choose to see them. And then we must act.