Interrupting Andrew Jackson

“You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.” – Andrew Jackson
Funny thing happened with this morning’s reflection, while I was reading a biography of Andrew Jackson. Really interesting dude, to say the very least.
My mind started to look at some of the things AJ did and said and accomplished, and wondered what lessons I could glean…and in turn share.
Then I received a text, from an old friend. A friend who has struggled mightily with addiction, faced a downward spiral literally near death, and turned his life around. And upward.
He’s now on a good path, and seems to be well capable of sustaining that path into a meaningful life for he and his family. I’m proud of him.
We went back a forth with a few texts. Some were typical…”how’s things” and such. And our answers were sort of what you’d expect too…speaking of the “ups and downs” of life.
The text thread ended, and instead of picking back up with the American Lion, I kept thinking about that exchange. I re-read the thread, and found that I had written this to him:
“There should come a time where each days ups and downs pale in comparison to the underlying joy. Those are the conditions I wish to create.”
And the next thought that came to my mind was this:
Why does it seem to much easier to help others create a positive state, than generate and maintain my own?
Have you ever noticed this? You may have a hard time getting yourself fired up to attack the day…but when someone needs a pick-me-up…you can start reciting reasons for them to have a great day. Make sense?
I’m glad that my words seemed to have come easily when texting with my friend, because I know that this self improvement process is starting to build layers. Through practice and reflection, I think these concepts are starting to become subconsciously embedded in my mind.
But still…it seems to take more work to get myself in ‘state’ each morning…than it does to help someone else. Why?
Why does the message flow easier when being delivered, than when trying to ‘deliver it’ to yourself?
Then the answer hit me like a ton of bricks. SERVICE.
If you ain’t gettin’ enough, you ain’t givin’ enough.
I can read and chant and reflect and get myself ready for the day. It’s effective, no doubt. I’m building emotional muscles.
But if I want those messages to really resonate, deep within me…there’s an even more powerful weapon to be unleashed, serving others.
When we look to serve others by building them up…we in turn build ourselves up. It’s genius really. It’s the magic of the universe. It’s proof positive that when we give, we receive.
So don’t be afraid to share your message with those around you today. Build them up, in any way you can. For when you do…you’re building yourself up too.
It’s contagious. Trust me.