Is good leadership “hard but fair”? Ask Private Pyle.

Running a business is HARD.
Making tough decisions is HARD.
Finding a balance between the pursuit of riches, and the desire to enrich the lives of our customers, co-workers, associates and loved ones…is HARD.
Leading an organization requires that we simultaneously maintain a ‘laser focus’ on our goals, but that we also retain the ability to ‘step back’ and understand the point of view of all those around us.
We must lead with an empathetic heart. With a servants heart.
But we must also have the strength to understand, to know, and to act in the best interest of everyone who is and can be affected by the organization.
Are you faced with a tough decision, concerning an employee, a customer, a vendor?
Look at yourself in the mirror, and ask these questions:
1. Have I walked in their shoes?
2. Do I understand their point of view?
3. Have I communicated my sincere desire to serve?
And lastly:
4. What decision shall I make, if I desire to be a good steward…or perhaps even a good shepherd?
Because your decisions don’t only affect those immediately involved, but all who give to, and receive from your efforts.
Running a business is HARD.
Leading a business is HARD.
Leading a team is HARD.
Leading a family is HARD.
People often use the phrase “Hard but Fair”, when describing a good leader.
I think it’s a bit more complex than that.
I believe a good leader has empathy. I believe a good leader also has strength. Most of all, I believe a good leader is a servant to those who give to, and receive from, the organization.
But I guess that doesn’t fit too well on a bumper sticker.
So I suppose we’ll just reluctantly roll with the immortal words of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:
“I am Hard, but I am Fair”.
Beautiful article!
Servant mode is the way to go. I believe, in order to lead you must follow.
I also believe that when core values are lined up motivation is high. Align those values, protect those purposes, and decide to make an impact with them.
Thank you for creating these articles Ed. They are fruitful and enjoyable. Stay great!
Thanks for reading Jim, really appreciate it. Thought you might enjoy this article as well:
Stay Great!
#grateful #greatful