It’s Just Friday

Today I woke up with the intention of moving my body. With the intention of embracing the day, versus reacting to the day. So…I hopped on the rower.
A grand machine, really. A total body workout, without an ounce of pressure on these middle aged joints.
I rowed. I huffed. I rowed. I puffed. I rowed. I Googled…
I googled “start the day with intention”. And here’s the first four quotes that popped up:
“Live each day as if it were your last.” – Steve Jobs
“Live each day as if it were your last. Learn as if you would live forever.” – Mahatma Ghandi
“Live each day as if it were your last, for some day it will be.” – Billy Graham
“Live each day as if it were your last. It’s written in the stars, your destiny is cast.” – Elvis Presley
Now…who knows if all these dudes actually said these things. I have my doubts. But aside from the half-morbid, half-contradictory version from the King, they’re certainly worth consideration.
So I considered.
My conclusion?: Hooey.
I’m sorry Steve, but I can’t live each day as if it were my last. I’d spend all day on the phone…with people I loved and missed and admired and…owed.
I’m sorry Mahatma, but I can’t live each day as if it were my last. I’d spend all day distracted…concerned about all the things my family with have to endure without me.
I’m sorry Billy, but I can’t live each day as if it were my last. I won’t have time to cook a 22 hour brisket, make my first from-scratch coconut cream pie, AND deliver hugs to all those in my life who I love to hug.
I mean…I get it though. I get the concept. I understand the intention of these words.
Urgency. Clarity. Action. Intention.
Those are the kinds of things these quotes are really about, right?
If today were really my last day, I would shed the normal trappings of distraction and doubt and information overload, and I would focus directly on that which is most important. I would feel the urgency of knowing that THIS is my last chance. My only chance. To make a difference in the lives of those and that which I care about.
And I would take massive action.
But you know what? I can’t lie to myself. I don’t think this is my last day. It’s just Friday.
And the more I think about it…I’m just fine with that.
Because the more I read, the more I learn, the more I listen…the more I realize that massive action isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The more I realize that making an impact on those around me just comes down to 2 things:
It’s just Friday. But what if it were THE Friday.
What if this was the Friday when you just started.
What if this was the day you decided that no matter what, you’d just keep going. You’d just keep swimming. You’d just keep rowing. You’d just keep working. You’d just keep grinding. You’d just keep giving. You’d just keep serving.
What if today wasn’t just Friday.
What if today was the Friday.