Kiss For You, Gordy

After the age of about 12, (and certainly from a boys’ perspective)…one never really knows when it’s an appropriate time to talk about burps…or farts. But these are unusual times, and those lines seem blurred right now. So hey, I’m going with it.
Like many of you, one of my fondest memories growing up is of time spent with my grandparents. The ‘good ole days’ seem that much ‘gooder’ right now, don’t they?
Anyway…I spent quite a bit of time with my paternal grandparents, Gloria and Steve, affectionately known as Gordy & Pope. And one memory that always makes me smile, is of a particular ritual that Pope had.
You see…whenever he would burp, he would then say, “kiss for you, Gordy”. True story. And the same went for the breaking of the metaphorical “wind”.
This memory makes me smile. This memory makes me laugh. And this memory reminds me that as lemons can be made into lemonade, so too can farts be made into kisses.
And that’s a reminder that I need right now. Maybe we all do.
Most of us have never lived through such a period of…unknown. Many among us are nervous or afraid. Some are suddenly jobless. All of us are unsure of what the future holds.
But here is something that I am certain of: This will not last, this too shall pass…and we WILL come together and kick this virus’ ass. (is it ever not fun to rhyme?)
All joking aside…these are the moments where we all need to exercise the power we have over our thoughts and our focus. Because where we focus determines the trajectory of our lives, short and long term.
This COVID-19 situation is strange. It’s strange, it’s scary, and it seems like the only good that can come…is when it’s over. But maybe we’re focusing on the wrong things.
In the last 4 weeks, I’ve witnessed families spending more time together than ever before. Meaningful time.
I’ve seen people begin to exercise more often. I’ve seen parents interacting with educators. I’ve seen grandparents adopting video chat. I’ve seen businesses unleash their creativity. And I’ve seen (and heard) people express their deepest gratitude, for so many of the things that we often take for granted.
There is good to be found in every situation. And it’s easier to find, when we’re looking for it.
Stinky old grandpa fart? Nah… Kiss for you, Gordy.