Millions Devastated by Recent Temperature Rise

In today’s technology and social media age, there are an unprecedented number of companies, organizations, people (and even bloggers) vying for your attention…every, single, moment.
One of the ways they do this, is called sensationalism.
Every snowfall is ‘snowmageddon‘, every kitten stuck in a tree is a national emergency, and every differing opinion is an outrage.
Please understand this. It is a marketing tactic. We’re all going to be OK. Relax.
Don’t let them rattle your cage. Don’t let them get you in a ‘huff’. Don’t let them steal your Zen.
Stop for a moment and put things into perspective. Realize that snow has befallen our roads throughout history, and we’ve gloriously plowed our way to school.
It’s all going to be OK. Be grateful for this wonderful planet, and this rich tapestry that we get to call LIFE.
I hope my words have helped to calm you, because they’re doing nothing for my two sons…who are merely on a one hour delay. Then, it’s back to school!
Oh, and here’s my headline, read another way:
Millions (of school aged kids) devastated (that they have to go back to school today) by (because of the) recent temperature rise.