My Friend, Don

While I could make the argument that every day brings us a reason to take pause, and to be grateful for the blessings in our life…the truth is, it usually takes a reminder (often grim) to make this sentiment resonate.
I was recently asked to say a few words, in the form of a toast…for my friend, Don.
Don was a man who touched a great many lives, and for whom a great many have grieved. Unfortunately, he passed during this strange covid-induced reality that we still find ourselves in…and as a result, the “normal arrangements” were postponed.
They were postponed, but also changed. Into something more befitting the man he was. A Celebration of Life.
My “toast” will be short, and I will be one of many to share a sentiment or two about Don. And while I’m honored and excited to be with Don’s friends and family, and further honored to be one that leads in the ‘raising of the glass’… my words will only scratch the surface of the thoughts that this morning fill my head.
So I thought to myself, “self, you have a blog… If you’ve got more to say, say it”
So here goes.
Don Chenelle made an impact.
He was always in the service of others, and never more than a phone call away.
The incredible legacy that he leaves with his family, his career and his hundreds of adopted sons (through the role of faculty advisor to the Phi Delta Theta fraternity at Case Western Reserve University) is bona fide proof of life after death. The D Man will never be forgotten.
I could do no better justice in summarizing the man, than this great tribute. It speaks of his role as a father and grandfather, as a professional and a leader, and as a friend and mentor.
But I will share one observation that always comes to my mind, in hopes of adding to the conversation…and the celebration, about my friend, Don. And it’s that of the great contrast that I see, when looking back on his role in my life.
Don could appear, respectfully, disheveled.
If you didn’t know him, you might look twice if you observed one of his shirt tails untucked or a small splatter of ketchup on his collar.
You might get the wrong impression if you saw the “somewhat” disorganized inside of his car, or the “small” stacks of paperwork that covered his desk. Or his “occasionally” cluttered home.
But let me tell you something:
I have seen food stains on Don’s button-down shirt, on more than one occasion. But I have also seen him absolutely command a room of his peers and professionals.
I have seen the rolling mess that was the inside of Don’s Toyota Camry. But I have also seen that vehicle arrive at 4am, “to the rescue”. (details will be withheld to protect the innocent).
I have seen Don’s living room in all its cluttered glory. Books and blankets and newspapers and empty dog treat bags surrounding him as he slept in his recliner. But I have also seen my best friend asleep on his couch, underneath those blankets…because Don offered his home as housing during summer session.
I have seen so many stacks of paperwork on Don’s desk that it was unclear if there even was a desk. But I also became a graduate of a prestigious university, and a man with an unending network of incredible lifelong friends, because underneath one of those enormous stacks of paper, was my financial aid application. And because Don Chenelle wouldn’t let that application get lost. In fact, he wouldn’t let me get lost.
Don Chenelle didn’t care what you might think about his shirt, or his car or his office. He was too damn busy caring about others. That’s what I’ll remember most about my friend, Don.
For anyone interested in making a donation:
Donald W. Chenelle Scholarship Fund
Great sentiment, Ed. Don was truly a generous man. We were lucky to have him in our lives. I’m sure he is looking down on us and smiling. Excellent toast last night.