My Long Distance Relationship with Gene Simmons

by Feb 27, 2019Reflections

Behold, the 1976 album cover to the record “Rock and Roll Over” by the band KISS.  By some standards, a masterpiece.  If nothing else, you’ve got to appreciate the intricacy of it.  Right?

Well what if I told you that 25 years ago I became friends with guy named Marc who, during the span of 2-3 weeks, laid on his back and hand-painted this album cover on to the ceiling of his dorm room…

Imagine the commitment it requires, for a 20 year old to paint this mural on to the ceiling of his fraternity house bedroom.

But Marc had a genuine passion for the band KISS.  And you know what?…he still does.

I’ve seen Marc perhaps twice since the college days.  He left our school after sophomore year, and his job has apparently stationed him in various states over the years, and even abroad.  But thanks to the advent of the all-powerful Social Media, I’ve been able to stay in touch a bit more in the past 5 years or so.  Or at least, I’ve been able to ‘keep tabs’ on what Marc has been up to.

And if I had to sum up Marc’s ‘social activity’ during that time, it would best be summarized by one word: KISS

You see, Marc STILL has a genuine passion for the band KISS.

He is a regular attendee of their concerts, and he frequently travels great distances to attend cosplay and music-con events (I had to look it up too), where he dresses up as his favorite member of the band, Gene Simmons.  Often, his wife will even dress as another member of the band!

So what’s my point?  Well, I’m glad you asked.

Today, I’m grateful for Marc…and here are a few reasons why:


1. PASSION – What an example of pursuing something that brings you joy. 

2. PERSISTENCE – When I mentioned that Marc dressed as his favorite band member, I’m not talking about some cheap halloween shop costume. No, no…over the years, this man has learned the craft of character and costume-making, and has applied that knowledge to an ever-evolving ability to produce a show business level persona.  Spoiler alert:  The photo atop this article is actually of Marc and his wife!  Wow…I mean, WOW.

3.PARTNERSHIP – Did I mention that the photo above was of Marc and his wife?  How about that for ‘finding your person’.  Was she already a KISS fan, or did she adopt this passion for her husband?  Either way, what a great example of partnership.  Of pursuing a passion, hand in hand.

I’m grateful because these are traits that I want to teach my sons. 


I’m not talking a ‘pursuit at all cost’, as some glamorous TV shows or movies may try and impress upon kids.  I’m talking the practical pursuit of interests that light your fire…and the joy that that indulgence can bring to your life.

I want my sons to understand that developing passions and pouring yourself into them is one of the great joys in life.  Too often in life, I’ve felt like a “dabbler”.  Many interests, many projects and a moderate level of commitment.  I don’t necessarily want that for them.  But I digress…that’s a topic for another day.

Today I’m grateful for Marc.

I haven’t stayed in contact with him, and I’ve never met his wonderful wife.  But in this crazy online world, I have been able to maintain something of a long distance relationship with him, and learn from his path…even if from afar.

Creeper, or just a passionate fan?  You be the judge.  🙂


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