My Opinion Is Worth Listening To

by Jun 15, 2020Reflections1 comment

My opinion is worth listening to.
Your opinion is worth listening to.

When I refuse to listen to you, I shall remain ignorant.
When you refuse to listen to me, you shall remain ignorant.

When I listen to you, I might learn something.
When you listen to me, you might learn something.

When I listen to you, with no intention of considering your opinion, you will innately feel disrespected.
When you listen to me, with no intention of considering my opinion, I innately feel disrespected.

When I listen to you, with attention and focus…you will feel respected.
When you listen to me, with attention and focus…I feel respected.

When I listen to you, only concerned with my own response, our discussion goes nowhere.
When you listen to me, only concerned with your own response, our discussion goes nowhere.

When I listen to you, without prejudice or bias, we may find common ground.
When you listen to you, without prejudice or bias, we may find common ground.

It is entirely possible for me to listen to you completely, and disagree with you.
It is entirely possible for you to listen to me completely, and disagree with me.

It is always more important for me to listen, than for me to speak.
It is always more important for you to listen, than for you to speak.

The world needs to listen more, and talk less.

But that’s just my opinion.  You don’t have to listen.

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