My renewed appreciation for gas station food

by Jul 10, 2019Reflections

“Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world instantly changes.”Tony Robbins

Those of you who live regionally will recognize the name Sheetz.  For those who don’t, Sheetz is simply the greatest gas station ever constructed.

Sheetz isn’t just a gas station.  Like most of their “competition” (pffff), they have full array of magazines, junk food and other convenience items you may expect.  But they also have a full service kitchen, open 24/7, entitled “MTO” or “Made To Order”.
I could expound for days about the breadth and quality of the MTO menu.  It is simply not ‘gas station food’.  There is a level of attention and detail paid to these prepared provisions that should be recognized by some sort of fueling station culinary institute.
MTO has been a consistent and reliable source of nourishment in my life, and now the lives of my children.  Why just a few weeks ago, they packed fresh turkey sandwiches for their end-of-school celebration.  I mean…why would Dad purchase an entire loaf of bread?  Right?
But as amazing as the MTO menu already is…I wanted to tell you about another recent Sheetz ‘victory’, and the lessons I took from it.
(Sometimes I feel like the proprietors of Sheetz are tapped into the consciousness of their patrons. Or at least my own.)
A while back, I embarked on high fat, low carb diet for about 4 weeks.  During this process, I took a trip to Texas.  While on this trip, I was driving quite a bit…as the distance between Texan cities is considerable.
Well, when I’m driving, I want to snack.  Not because I’m hungry necessarily…but just for something to chew on, something to keep awake, something to do.  And my favorite snacks are crunchy and salty.
Well you can imagine those options on a low carb diet: Zippo, Nada & Zilch.
That is except for what I now consider to be the crown prince of the ketogenic snack foods:  The Pork Rind.
In Texas, apparently because of its proximity to Mexico, pork rinds are abundant.  They are abundant, and not called ‘pork rinds’ at all…but Chicharrones.  And chicharrones don’t just come ‘standard’, but in a wide variety of flavors.  From BBQ to various levels of spicy to exotic flavors such as chili-cheese.
But undoubtedly my favorite chicharron flavor became, dill. Yes, dill. (think pickle)
Fresh, tart, crunchy fat deliciousness.
Fast forward to the present, back to the exotic Midwest and home of the legendary Sheetz chain of consumer outlets.  Well…this past weekend, as I was strolling down the snack isle, something caught my eye.
You guessed it, pork rinds.  Better yet, pork rinds that weren’t labeled ‘pork rinds’, but Chicharrones.  Surely a sign of the regional authenticity of their origin!
And they weren’t next to the normal chips and popcorn and pretzels.  They were hanging from those little metal rods, right next to the trail mix.  As if to say: “These are not your ordinary chip-like junk food; These are ketogenic fuel for the weary traveler.”
And low and behold, there were three flavors:  Original, BBQ and…wait for it… DILL.
Are you kidding me?  Dill Chicharrones in Youngstown OH?
How did they know?   Was Sheetz tracking my spending habits through credit card records?  Did they have agreements with Enterprise and Avis to inspect the wrappers left in all of their Toyota Camrys rented by midwestern citizens?
Or could this simply be my thoughts manifesting reality through a connection to the universe, shared by myself and the architects of the Sheetz brand.
Whatever the case, it was a moment both empowering and humbling.  I found myself excited, appreciative to the Sheetz family and instantly grateful.  A wonderful day indeed.
And then, this though struck me:
Appreciation, even of the smallest things, can be the precursor of Gratitude.  (And you know how I feel about Gratitude.)
So have a wonderful day my friends.  Appreciate all that you have.  Appreciate all those around you and the role they play in your life.  Appreciate the very small things.  Even the things that people around you might find strange or insignificant.  Because that appreciation, and the gratitude that follows, is contagious.
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”Voltaire

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