Observe & Chase (is not a law firm)

by Sep 18, 2020Reflections1 comment

Yesterday I saw a commercial for a new movie coming out. The commercial displayed quotes from various magazines and film critics. Quotes like this:

“Movie X is mildly entertaining”

“An average performance and no award nominations for Actor Y”

“You should consider seeing this movie, if you have some free time.”

Really? No, not really. Who would go to that movie?


I’m sure you already know how the quotes really went.

“The best movie of the year!” “Actor Y’s performance of a lifetime.” And so forth…


Because we all know that when we’re considering going to a movie…we’re looking for the absolute best option.

And we all know that when we’re looking for a new home, or a new car…we’re looking for the absolute best option.

And when we’re considering a vacation…aren’t we all looking of the absolute best time?

Think about it. Whether we’re looking ways to spend money, time or effort…we’re usually looking for the best possible options. We’re looking to absolutely maximize our investment.


So it begs the question: Why don’t we have this mindset about our own lives?

Some of us do. No doubt. But to me, it seems that most of us place more value in the exceptionalism of things outside of ourselves, than we do of seeking greatness within ourselves.

But why? 

Well I think one of the issues is that we’re conditioned to observe and chase. We’re conditioned from a young age to see things around us that we should want, and to chase things that we believe are of value, or that will bring happiness to our lives.

We’re a consumer society that places great value on obtaining what we don’t have. And we’re conditioned to believe that if we acquire or experience these things… those things are what will make us great. Those are the things what will make us happy or successful.


Now this is certainly not a new concept.  And I’m never going to rant on ‘material possessions’ and such. I chase those things too, and I’m not ashamed of it.

But the idea that was in my head this morning, is this:


No one ever teaches us that ‘observe and chase’ is the absolute opposite way to have those things and experiences and feelings.

Observe and chase prevents us from the true reality, which is…


If we seek exceptionalism in ourselves, we will attract that which is exceptional into our lives.

‘Observe’ is fine on its own. There is a time and place for observation. But forget about ‘chase’. Stop chasing those things or people or experiences that you want.


Start demanding of yourself, what you demand of that dream vacation or new car. Start building yourself into the most extraordinary version of yourself, that you can be.

Give that person to the world, and the world will give you back everything you want.  Here’s proof.

– Seeking more happiness?  Make others around you happy.
– Seeking more accomplishment?  Give more of your efforts to the task in front of you.
– Seeking more impact?  Set the example of a life well lived, so that people may want to learn from you.
– Seeking more connection?  Become the very best version of yourself, and inspire people to connect with you.


Are there things you want to obtain, achieve or connect with? Stop chasing.

Start working on the very best version of YOU.  Start demanding exceptionalism in yourself.



Start giving all of those things back to everyone and everything around you.

Let the world observe and chase you.

If we seek exceptionalism in ourselves, we will attract that which is exceptional into our lives. Share on X











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