Our Internal Fire, Our Immortal Fire

Last night I was watching a documentary about the Spanish Civil War of the 1930’s. The country was ultimately taken over by a brutal, murderous dictator who ruled with fear, torture and murder for over 30 years.
At one point in the story, film footage of resistance fighters was being shown. Soldiers, weary and worn. The video then froze, for 3-4 seconds…focused on one of the men.
There was no description of who this man was. His face simply served as background during part of the narrative.
It made me think about his life, and in fact my life. Not that our lives are remotely similar in experience, but that they are remarkably similar…in brevity.
Today I reflect on loved ones lost. I marvel at their immortality…as we can summon a lifetime of memories in the blink of an eye. It’s clear to me that they are truly never lost.
They are always present, and always willing to provide the incredible perspective that comes from our desire to make them proud. Motivation…and then some.
Remember those you’ve lost today my friends. Not with sorrow or remorse, but with resolve. And let it light that internal fire. Isn’t that what they’d want?
Internal Fire
There is a time to mourn; there is a time to suffer
Those moments we stand in disbelief, staring into a box
Those moments we are shoulder to shoulder, because all we have is one another
There is a time for melancholy; there is a time to lament
Those moments when the process bears down upon our soul
When the images simply will not relent
There is a time to laugh, and there is a time to climb
Reaching ever upward, reaching for the sublime
There is a time to fight, and a time to scream
To put this realm on notice, that our voice shall remain
For those we’d make proud, those who’ve passed
To make them immortal where they lay
There is a time to raise our fists; there is a time we must aspire
That our creators shall forever see that which they have lit
Our internal fire