Hi, my name is Ed Kalaher. I’m a father, a son, an entrepreneur and a student…and I’m determined to live my BEST life. In fact, an exceptional life.
But like many, I struggle. I struggle to maintain my positive rituals. I get off track, I get discouraged…you know, right?
This blog helps me, and I hope that it might help you too.
I believe we all enter periods of reflection. Times where we take stock of our life. And I believe that a daily ritual, a simple shift in our point of view or perspective, can produce incredible transformation. The choice is ours.
Recent Articles:
Would Dr. Seuss Embrace the Day? Will you?
I was feeling a bit Seussical today my friends. I hope you crush your Friday. Imagine being told todayThat you might live for just one dayToday’s the Day, as some might sayFor after this, you cannot stay Go pray, they’d say, or just give wayTo rage or...
I Packed My Sons Lunch in a WalMart Bag, and THIS is what happened
Dressed and ready for school - Check Brushed Teeth - Check Combed Hair - Check Lunch Packed - um...wait...oh, lunch boxes are at Mom's house. Hmm... OK, I certainly don't have one of those brown paper lunch bags. You know what...I'll just use a plastic shopping bag....
A One Legged Man Just Kicked Me In The Ass
William Earnest Henley was an influential 19th century English writer, who lived from 1849 to 1903. As the editor of several literary magazines, it is said that he had quite an impact on the culture during his time. In 1875, Henley had one of his legs amputated, due...
Our Internal Fire, Our Immortal Fire
Last night I was watching a documentary about the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. The country was ultimately taken over by a brutal, murderous dictator who ruled with fear, torture and murder for over 30 years. At one point in the story, film footage of...
Everyday is the Superbowl
I think that many of us measure ourselves, and in fact ascribe our sense of happiness (or at least contentment) by...progress. I can definitively say that I have observed myself to be happier, when I feel I'm making progress. Towards my goals, and towards...
All the Small (and Selfish) Things
It is the grand champion of paradox: SERVICE Most people don't realize that it is when we seek to serve others, that we receive life's greatest gifts. And for that, service can be both selfless, and selfish. A wonderful, win-win paradox. For no one (at least...