Hi, my name is Ed Kalaher. I’m a father, a son, an entrepreneur and a student…and I’m determined to live my BEST life. In fact, an exceptional life.
But like many, I struggle. I struggle to maintain my positive rituals. I get off track, I get discouraged…you know, right?
This blog helps me, and I hope that it might help you too.
I believe we all enter periods of reflection. Times where we take stock of our life. And I believe that a daily ritual, a simple shift in our point of view or perspective, can produce incredible transformation. The choice is ours.
Recent Articles:
What I Learned at the Second Grade Spelling Bee
Inch-by-Inch is a Cinch, but Yard-by-Yard is…HARD.Remember that saying? Well if there is one principle that I wish I had learned sooner, it is this.And as I think about it, there’s probably a better way to say it. Let me rephrase:If there is one...
The Philosophy of Smokey and the Bandit
Closing the gap between the man I am, and the man I'm capable of being, requires URGENCY.Maybe not for some, and certainly not for the young. But for me, the flames of this Mid-Life Analysis burn brightest when I douse them with a daily dose of...
Do Monks Talk to Each Other When No One is Looking?
"The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection." - Robin Sharma We all seem to have that person or persons that we truly connect with. And while there is certainly a romantic connotation to that sentence, and that's certainly...
40 Percent Less Sodium?
“How we frame our thoughts, is nearly as important as the thoughts themselves.” 33% less sugar? 33% less than what? 50% off? 50% off of what price? 40% less sodium? 40% less than what? Isn't that a pretty important detail? If you really stop and think...
Can the Government Shutdown actually give us hope for the future?
"Lack of clarity is always a sign of dishonesty." - Celia Green Regardless of your political persuasion and/or view of the current federal government shutdown, you've got enough 'debate ammunition' to sound-off for hours on end. And paradoxically,...
How to Tame a Wolverine
Professor Charles Xavier. Teacher. Leader. Mentor. Mutant. Professor X is the world’s most powerful telepath. He can manipulate people’s minds with his own will. He can tap into the psyche of human beings across the globe…all from the comfort of his...