Hi, my name is Ed Kalaher.  I’m a father, a son, an entrepreneur and a student…and I’m determined to live my BEST life.  In fact, an exceptional life.

But like many, I struggle.  I struggle to maintain my positive rituals.  I get off track,  I get discouraged…you know, right?

This blog helps me, and I hope that it might help you too.

I believe we all enter periods of reflection.  Times where we take stock of our life.  And I believe that a daily ritual, a simple shift in our point of view or perspective, can produce incredible transformation.  The choice is ours.

Recent Articles:

My Habits are Their Habits

More and more and more and more...this thought crosses my mind: "Your habits are their habits." In "Freakonomics", authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner reviewed data from a DOE study on over 20,000 children from kindergarten to 5th grade, specifically regarding...

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Ugly Babies

"A face only a mother could love." - Unknown Ever notice how ugly other peoples babies can be? But not my sons. Nope. Handsome steeds from the very moment they squeezed their way down Mommy main street. I mean, these two dudes couldn't have been more handsome. From...

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The Battle of Evermore

"When we feel safe inside the organization, we will naturally combine our talents and our strengths, and work tirelessly to face the dangers outside...and seize the opportunity." - Simon Sinek This is a quote about leadership...a topic I was thinking about this...

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You’re Wrong. Why? You’re Mean. Wha?

“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.” – Margaret Heffernan There is a word I use, and consider, quite a bit: Discourse. It is simply a synonym for discussion or debate, but I find the word to have more nuance...

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