Hi, my name is Ed Kalaher. I’m a father, a son, an entrepreneur and a student…and I’m determined to live my BEST life. In fact, an exceptional life.
But like many, I struggle. I struggle to maintain my positive rituals. I get off track, I get discouraged…you know, right?
This blog helps me, and I hope that it might help you too.
I believe we all enter periods of reflection. Times where we take stock of our life. And I believe that a daily ritual, a simple shift in our point of view or perspective, can produce incredible transformation. The choice is ours.
Recent Articles:
Here’s How COVID-19 Could Spell Chapter 13 for Some Small Businesses
While the media is focused on the stock market, pointing out that companies have lost $4T (Trillion) in value in the last 10 days...some of us are over here like, “Hey, what about us? You know, small businesses.” Did you know that 98% of the businesses in this...
Coronavirus, The Economy & Your Business
Yesterday was quite a day…eh? The world seems to be shutting down. Actually…the world IS shutting down. Schools, businesses, gatherings… I’ve never really seen anything like this in my lifetime. I could draw some similarities (from a business point of...
Lessons Garnered from Garnished Wages
I’ll never forget the first time I dealt with a wage garnishment. It was about 20 years ago...and I vividly remember having to input a child support order into our payroll software. Actually, it was 4 child support orders...for one person. The reason I remember it...
And I Looked, and Behold a Pale Horse
“And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying, "Come and see." And I saw, and behold a white horse.” - John Cash On the dark edges of human existence, lies a great plague. A virus that grows stronger each year, more resistant as...
This Is MY Super Bowl
There are plenty of cliche sentiments to describe the Super Bowl. You know, the annual “World Championship” of American football. For many, it’s the pinnacle of sports entertainment for the entire year. It represents the ultimate achievement, in what fans...
A Place to Store My Piss Pot
Growing up, I'd often hear the phrase: "We don't have a pot to piss in..." Anyone remember that? It was a reference to, essentially, being poor. It was a visceral analogy, exaggerating the fact that we did not have many material possessions. Not even a pot. Not...