Hi, my name is Ed Kalaher. I’m a father, a son, an entrepreneur and a student…and I’m determined to live my BEST life. In fact, an exceptional life.
But like many, I struggle. I struggle to maintain my positive rituals. I get off track, I get discouraged…you know, right?
This blog helps me, and I hope that it might help you too.
I believe we all enter periods of reflection. Times where we take stock of our life. And I believe that a daily ritual, a simple shift in our point of view or perspective, can produce incredible transformation. The choice is ours.
Recent Articles:
Thank You Kobe
There isn't much that I might say, that hasn't already been said in the last 48 hours about Kobe Bryant. As a public figure, his life inspired so many...and his death, unfortunately, has touched even more with a great sense of loss. People who aren't necessarily his...
Do You Negotiate Like a Child?
I was thinking about the saying that “Children are the Best Negotiators” Is it really true? Why is that? I think part of the answer is that children are laser focused, in the moment, on what they want. Think about it. They want that piece of candy. And they will...
Shakespeare was 80% Wrong on this one
"Time is very slow for those who wait, Very fast for those who are scared, Very long for those who lament, Very short for those who celebrate, But for those who love, Time is eternal." This quote is often misattributed to William Shakespeare, a man often...
Change The Algorithm, Change Your Life
We all sort of understand that our lives are increasingly influenced (if not controlled) by algorithms. Even if we don't really know what an algorithm is. In short (very short), an algorithm is a set of rules or instructions. Algorithms are usually associated, for...
I’ve been building Rome for 7520 Days
New Year, New Goals, New Passion, New Focus! Or is it: New Year, Same Goals, Same Passion, Same Focus? In which it’s probably more appropriate to say: New Year, Same Goals, Inadequate Passion, Inadequate Focus, Inadequate System, Inadequate Discipline. You...
Artificial Obsolescence
Imagine being awakened by your favorite digital assistant. She (they all seem to be "shes") has chosen just the right 'wake up' music or message, because she knows it has the smallest chance of evoking a snooze hit. She knows, because she remembers every single such...