ROTARY and the Equation of Infinite Power

Growing up, I had always recognized the Rotary name and image (the Rotary Wheel), but never knew exactly what it was. As I became older, I associated it with a group of business people…and somewhat, to community service.
In 2013, I began some difficult personal times. (And if the data is correct, about 49.7% of you can relate pretty well.)
I recognized during that time that I had two choices: To let circumstances push me down, or to try and use these trials to grow. It’s a shame how cliché these concepts can appear…but I really locked on to the concept of gratitude.
So I began to devote my free time to the study of gratitude…and how it can so radically, and often instantly change your perspective and your well-being.
Well you can’t get too far down that path without discovering this simple fact:
Gratitude = Happiness.
So the next logical step was to find ways to generate Gratitude.
Well you can’t get too far down that path without discovering a universal truth:
Service = Gratitude.
There you have it…I had stumbled upon the equation of infinite power:
Service = Gratitude = Happiness
Undeniable. Irrefutable. Transformational. In my humble opinion.
Now to some of you, this may not have seemed like a “discovery” at all. To some, this truth is self-evident. To some, it has been instilled in you through your parents, teachers, church leaders, etc… And I’m not saying that these concepts were completely foreign to me, or weren’t taught to me in some ways. I’ve had wonderful parents and family and mentors and friends in my life.
But it was through this journey of self-reflection and research, that the pieces really came together. Connecting the dots through my own trials and logic and desire…made this equation seem new.
Service = Gratitude = Happiness
It was about that time that I reached out to a friend and Rotarian who had come to see me several times. He was a former teacher who had always managed to stay in touch, in some way. A man with a heart and drive to serve, always.
He had mentioned Rotary several times, but I still didn’t really know what the deal was.
I accepted an invitation to their lunch meeting, and once I attended I knew I wanted to join. I knew that I wanted to be a part of an organization that provided such an opportunity to serve, and to network with people of that same mindset.
So I jumped in, rather enthusiastically.
Fast forward to today, some six years later (already…sheesh):
Today I enjoy the weekly opportunity to connect, both with people of character and with the perspective of service above self. I enjoy the good our club is able to do in our community, and the expansion of my mind when listening to guests and speakers. But it is often just the simple reminder that I’m given, when surrounding myself with Rotarians, that strikes me.
Being a member of Rotary is an opportunity to re-frame my thoughts around the principles of Servant Leadership. I don’t always have the time to give to my community, or to my Rotary family…but staying connected with them reminds me that placing others before myself is the key to life. I’m grateful to have such an outlet.
There are many things that I’ve learned about Rotary… but I wanted to share one specific thought & lesson that’s been on my mind.
Rotary presents nearly unlimited avenues to serve. And while this is extremely exciting to someone seeking the equation of infinite power: (Service = Gratitude = Happiness) …
…it can also be overwhelming. It can be overwhelming from procedure to program, from rules to traditions…and even with regard to those very opportunities to serve. Much like our work or even our lives can be.
But these opportunities are gifts. So I need only to recognize them as such, to be grateful for them, to engage them with an open mind, to prioritize and do my best, and to appreciate any net positive that results.
I think we can often overwhelm ourselves. Certainly with adversity or false expectations, but even with positive thoughts and hopes and situations and opportunities. Perhaps it’s our nature.
What can we do?
My answer, at least for today…is to re-center on the equation of infinite power:
Service = Gratitude = Happiness.
To date I’ve found no situation or circumstance where this cannot be a point of re-focus. A cornerstone to re-align my mind and restore calm.
So often I fall short, but if my mindset starts with service, my priorities align. If my mindset is to serve, the path becomes clearer.
Business, personal, otherwise. Whatever situation I’m in: How can I serve others before myself?
And if that is the center of my intent, then I can appreciate the effort and the journey…even when I do fall short. I can step back, breathe, and recognize the opportunities in front of me…even in adversity. And I can be grateful for them.
And we all know where that leads…
If you’d like to know more about Rotary, I’d be grateful to share my experience with you. Send me a note.