Shakespeare was 80% Wrong on this one

“Time is very slow for those who wait,
Very fast for those who are scared,
Very long for those who lament,
Very short for those who celebrate,
But for those who love, Time is eternal.”
This quote is often misattributed to William Shakespeare, a man often referenced when talking about the greatest writers of the English language. (You know…the whole English language. Like since it was invented.)
I’ve pondered this passage, off and on, since August 16, 2018.
And after 523 days of reflection…I’ve come to some conclusions:
1. It couldn’t have been written by Shakespeare, because 80% of it is horse shit (4 of 5 lines). And Shakespeare couldn’t have been this wrong, because…well, you know, he’s very old, and older dudes are clearly much smarter dudes, because they’re… old.
2. This passage needs reworked.
So, here goes.
“Time is very slow for those who embrace,
Very fast for those who wait,
Very long for those with a grateful heart,
Very short for those with hate,
And for those who love, Time is eternal.”
We so often use the phrase “time flies”…but why? Not ‘why do we use it’, but ‘why does it indeed fly’?
It seems to me that time slows down when we embrace our current circumstance, instead of constantly hoping for another.
It seems to me that time speeds up, the more we focus on an expectations we feel unmet.
It seems to me that time is extended, when we are grateful each and every day. When we take the time to put our current station in perspective, and realize just how lucky we are.
It seems to me that time is wasted, when we are burdened by notions of entitlement, or jealousy…or anger, and even hate.
To whomever wrote this original passage: I think you had the first four lines, completely backwards. But the last line? Yeah…you pretty much nailed it.
Love who you are. Love what you have. Love what you’re capable of becoming, and know that that path is eternal.
It’s not the source of your inspiration that matters most…it’s what you do with it.
Have a great day my friends.
“50% of what you read on the Internet is 100% false. But who cares…I just got totally pumped up watching Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson give me a pep talk.” – Abraham Lincoln