The Lost Village of Discoursia

The Lost Village of Discoursia

The Lost Village of Discoursia I recently had the privilege of going to Iceland with family. A beautiful country, and a wonderful trip…all around.  We admired the sea, the mountains, waterfalls, wildlife, and of course the aurora borealis. We even visited the...
Jed: Oil Tycoon and Green Energy Advocate

Jed: Oil Tycoon and Green Energy Advocate

Jed: Oil Tycoon and Green Energy Advocate Today’s political debates around fossil fuels and green energy remind me of a story about my friend, a man named Jed. Jed was born and raised in West Virginia…some called him a genuine Mountaineer.  He grew up...
The Wisdom of Teddy Bears

The Wisdom of Teddy Bears

The Wisdom of Teddy Bears I got an email from a customer last week that really tested my patience.  Actually…he was already wearing that patience thin, this email was just “piling on”. The part that was really getting to me was his arrogance, his...
When To Be A Fringe Lunatic

When To Be A Fringe Lunatic

When To Be A Fringe Lunatic “Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.” – Theodore Roosevelt   In many, many studies on human behavior, psychologists find that there is a typical (“normal”) distribution curve.  It is a curve...
The Lost Teachings of Empatheticus

The Lost Teachings of Empatheticus

The Lost Teachings of Empatheticus Lost to the pages of most history books, Empatheticus was a Greek philosopher who lived sometime between 400 – 300 B.C..  It is said that his teachings were ordered to be eradicated “by any means necessary from the four corners...