by Eddie Kalaher | Jun 15, 2020 | Reflections
My Opinion Is Worth Listening To My opinion is worth listening to.Your opinion is worth listening to. When I refuse to listen to you, I shall remain ignorant.When you refuse to listen to me, you shall remain ignorant. When I listen to you, I might learn something.When...
by Eddie Kalaher | Sep 17, 2019 | Reflections
The No-Go Ego From the moment we are born, we are rewarded for being “right”. It is the fundamental building block of our educational system. In fact, we grow up learning to actually fear being “wrong”. We believe there is ridicule or shame in being wrong, and that...
by Eddie Kalaher | Aug 29, 2019 | Reflections
A List of Prerequisite Leadership Skills Required to Serve In Congress *Note: This list is based on my own observations. If any member of congress should display any behavior indicating a truthful, consistent and genuine desire to serve his or her constituents...
by Eddie Kalaher | Aug 8, 2019 | Reflections
Our Myopian State of Affairs Have you ever been in conversation, or debate, or engaged about an important topic with a family member, a friend, an employee, a peer, a boss, whomever…and thought: This is SO obvious to me, why don’t they get it? Have you...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jul 30, 2019 | Reflections
Get in the Damn Conversation A friend of mine recently asked me: “What advice would you give your 26 year old self?” (I’m now 46!) We’ve all probably heard a question like this, or even been asked. And for most, there’s likely a moment of...