The Infrequency of Justice

The Infrequency of Justice

The Infrequency of Justice As I was growing up, I knew a man who stood for, and in fact fought for…Truth, Justice and the American Way. I mean, this guy was super. He had super-human strength, X-ray vision, and he could fly! He couldn’t lie, and he loved his mama....
I Have Become Death

I Have Become Death

I Have Become Death Robert Oppenheimer paraphrased these famous words in 1945, after witnessing the result of his creation… the atomic weapon. It was a breakthrough that he felt was necessary to save our world, but one that he later actually regretted. It would seem...
Big Rules for Small People

Big Rules for Small People

Big Rules for Small People I’m a believer in the written word.  I’m a believer in the spoken truth, (especially when spoken to ourselves).  And I’m a believer in the neuroplasticity of the young minds of my children. Something I’ve been working...
The Art of Living

The Art of Living

The Art of Living Today, I cried. Shakespeare once said that to weep…is “to make less the depth of grief.”  But my tears were not of grief. Instead, they were the oft familiar yet mysterious response to… art.  In this case, the art of music. I...
The Significance of SkyMall

The Significance of SkyMall

The Significance of SkyMall “I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.” – Og Mandino   Remember those motivational posters...