by Eddie Kalaher | Jan 18, 2019 | Reflections
What I Learned at the Second Grade Spelling Bee Inch-by-Inch is a Cinch, but Yard-by-Yard is…HARD.Remember that saying? Well if there is one principle that I wish I had learned sooner, it is this.And as I think about it, there’s probably a better way to say it. Let...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jan 15, 2019 | Reflections
Do Monks Talk to Each Other When No One is Looking? “The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection.” – Robin Sharma We all seem to have that person or persons that we truly connect with. And while there is...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jan 14, 2019 | Reflections
40 Percent Less Sodium? “How we frame our thoughts, is nearly as important as the thoughts themselves.” 33% less sugar? 33% less than what? 50% off? 50% off of what price? 40% less sodium? 40% less than what? Isn’t that a pretty important detail? If...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jan 4, 2019 | Reflections
Are your Goals like the Fidget Spinner In July 2017, we went on vacation to Myrtle Beach with some friends…and great times were had. With one exception. One of my most vivid memories, is of a small, insidious creature that seemed to be lurking everywhere. At the...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jan 2, 2019 | Reflections
The Greater of Two Goods How many times have you had to choose, seemingly, between “the lesser of two evils”? Perhaps it’s a consequence of my age, or the negative media cycle that we all live in…but I sure seem to hear this phrase, a lot. The...