A River Runs Through It…

A River Runs Through It… Imagine you’re walking down the center of a small river, heading downstream. The current at your back is quite strong, and the water is nearly chest high, but the bottom is of sufficient traction so that you feel stable in your...

A Case for Unreasonability

A Case for Unreasonability I believe…in being reasonable. I believe…that most of what you see and hear from media and social outlets is, unreasonable. Polarizing, extremist, myopic, self centered, closed-minded, “opinion journalism”,...

Euphemistically Yours

Euphemistically Yours Euphemism – A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.You’ve probably heard, and used, many euphemisms in your day-to-day...

My Habits are Their Habits

My Habits are Their Habits More and more and more and more…this thought crosses my mind: “Your habits are their habits.” In “Freakonomics”, authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner reviewed data from a DOE study on over 20,000 children...

Ugly Babies

Ugly Babies “A face only a mother could love.” – Unknown Ever notice how ugly other peoples babies can be? But not my sons. Nope. Handsome steeds from the very moment they squeezed their way down Mommy main street. I mean, these two dudes...