Thank You Coach

Thank You Coach

Thank You Coach Many of us have had a coach that meant more to us than just sports. A person that reached us on a level deeper than the playing surface. Some of us have had a coach that served as a mentor, and an example. Someone to look up to. Someone who gave us...
The Lost Village of Discoursia

The Lost Village of Discoursia

The Lost Village of Discoursia I recently had the privilege of going to Iceland with family. A beautiful country, and a wonderful trip…all around.  We admired the sea, the mountains, waterfalls, wildlife, and of course the aurora borealis. We even visited the...
The Rain Song

The Rain Song

The Rain Song They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. And I agree, with all that I am. Words have survived the millennia of our race. They’ve survived natural disaster, war and conflict, the rise and fall of kingdoms, and the suppression of the most...
Three Things that will get you Ripped, Fast

Three Things that will get you Ripped, Fast

Three Things that will get you Ripped, Fast For many years I’ve struggled with my weight.  Confronted at every turn by the modern image of the perfect male shape, and reminded by every mirror of my subcutaneous shortcomings. Kidding. Yes, I’m self...
My Friend, Don

My Friend, Don

My Friend, Don While I could make the argument that every day brings us a reason to take pause, and to be grateful for the blessings in our life…the truth is, it usually takes a reminder (often grim) to make this sentiment resonate. I was recently asked to say a...