Thumbs of Steel

Thumbs of Steel

Thumbs of Steel My grandfather, Elbert, was deaf and mute his entire life.  Couldn’t hear a damn thing, and couldn’t speak.  He could only make some noises, more grunts really…which changed in pitch, depending on his emotion or intent. Papa, as I...
Look Mom, Ze Plane

Look Mom, Ze Plane

Look Mom, Ze Plane I have a semi-vivid, age-warped, nostalgic memory from approximately 1977 that flashes before me every now and then, and depending on the mood I’m in…evokes a wide range of emotion from curious to calm, and from melancholy to joy. The memory is that...
The Infrequency of Justice

The Infrequency of Justice

The Infrequency of Justice As I was growing up, I knew a man who stood for, and in fact fought for…Truth, Justice and the American Way. I mean, this guy was super. He had super-human strength, X-ray vision, and he could fly! He couldn’t lie, and he loved his mama....
Big Rules for Small People

Big Rules for Small People

Big Rules for Small People I’m a believer in the written word.  I’m a believer in the spoken truth, (especially when spoken to ourselves).  And I’m a believer in the neuroplasticity of the young minds of my children. Something I’ve been working...
The Curious Case of Dogshit Buttons

The Curious Case of Dogshit Buttons

The Curious Case of Dogshit Buttons Sometimes a story can only be given justice if laid out in the form of a dialogue. Collin: “Dad, did you hear about Grandma’s button?” Dad: “Nope.” Collin: “Pepper (the new puppy) bit it off her sweater while she was holding her.”...