The Wisdom of Teddy Bears

The Wisdom of Teddy Bears

The Wisdom of Teddy Bears I got an email from a customer last week that really tested my patience.  Actually…he was already wearing that patience thin, this email was just “piling on”. The part that was really getting to me was his arrogance, his...
When To Be A Fringe Lunatic

When To Be A Fringe Lunatic

When To Be A Fringe Lunatic “Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.” – Theodore Roosevelt   In many, many studies on human behavior, psychologists find that there is a typical (“normal”) distribution curve.  It is a curve...
10 Observations from a 47 Year Old Idiot

10 Observations from a 47 Year Old Idiot

10 Observations from a 47 Year Old Idiot In 1996 I participated in my very first fantasy football league.  And for perspective on just how long ago that was, consider the following: There was an actual in-person draft Each person brought a folder or binder full of...