by Eddie Kalaher | Aug 6, 2019 | Reflections
Here’s why it Always Seems Like Yesterday “Life goes too fast.” OR “Seems like just yesterday.” – We’ve all used phrases like these at one point or another, and countless other cliches as well. There was an “I love...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jul 30, 2019 | Reflections
Get in the Damn Conversation A friend of mine recently asked me: “What advice would you give your 26 year old self?” (I’m now 46!) We’ve all probably heard a question like this, or even been asked. And for most, there’s likely a moment of...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jul 24, 2019 | Reflections
Walking the Walk Today I wanted (and needed) to start my day with these four positive affirmations: 1. I have complete control over all of my goals and aspirations. 2. I can be a positive influence on every person I touch, by shaping my attitude around gratitude. 3. I...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jul 17, 2019 | Reflections
Confidence Is Not Enough It’s morning, you’re standing in front of the mirror…staring into your own eyes. Perhaps you’re brushing your teeth. You’re thinking about the day ahead, and the challenges at hand. Perhaps you’ve got an...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jul 4, 2019 | Reflections
Six Inches to Freedom Imagine you’re at an unfamiliar home for an event or holiday. Say a distant relative’s home, for a cookout on the 4th of July. You’ve just mowed through a half a dozen deviled eggs, after the 4 course meal that began with a...