by Eddie Kalaher | Jul 24, 2021 | Reflections
Please Don’t Squeeze Your Naked Grandma Several years ago, the university that I attended attempted a ‘rebrand’…and spent months (and I’m sure quite a bit of our funds) coming up with a new logo. Bam!…the new logo was revealed. It was placed all...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jan 29, 2021 | Reflections
Big Rules for Small People I’m a believer in the written word. I’m a believer in the spoken truth, (especially when spoken to ourselves). And I’m a believer in the neuroplasticity of the young minds of my children. Something I’ve been working...
by Eddie Kalaher | Sep 28, 2020 | Reflections
The Wisdom of Teddy Bears I got an email from a customer last week that really tested my patience. Actually…he was already wearing that patience thin, this email was just “piling on”. The part that was really getting to me was his arrogance, his...
by Eddie Kalaher | Aug 3, 2020 | Reflections
When To Be A Fringe Lunatic “Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.” – Theodore Roosevelt In many, many studies on human behavior, psychologists find that there is a typical (“normal”) distribution curve. It is a curve...
by Eddie Kalaher | Jun 15, 2020 | Reflections
My Opinion Is Worth Listening To My opinion is worth listening to.Your opinion is worth listening to. When I refuse to listen to you, I shall remain ignorant.When you refuse to listen to me, you shall remain ignorant. When I listen to you, I might learn something.When...