Thanksgiving Day. aka Gratitude Day

by Nov 21, 2018Reflections

Tomorrow is the day!…my very favorite Holiday…Thanksgiving.


Well…certainly there’s the food. Turkey (especially the dark meat), sweet potato casserole, cornbread, stuffing, gravy, deviled eggs, mmmm…. (If only coconut cream pie were “traditional”.)

And a warm house, family, friends, football…all of it.

All of those things are incredible, but for me, the thing that makes Thanksgiving the very best holiday of the year, is that which is embodied in the name itself.

Giving Thanks.

Giving thanks for our blessings, giving thanks for our gifts.

In other words…being GRATEFUL.

Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate GRATITUDE. The great precursor to joy, the recognition that our station in life is full and complete and always far better than the ‘world’ may have us believe.

So while I want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and encourage you to celebrate your gratitude, I also wanted to leave you with this thought:

The Joy that you seek, is on the other side of Gratitude.
The Gratitude that you seek, is on the other side of Service.


It’s easier said than realized (and of course, ‘done’)…I know. But I truly believe this.

Enjoy your day, and be grateful. And as you’re enjoying a well-deserved food coma, think about all the ways you can SERVE people…from this day forward.

Today I am grateful for all of you, my friends.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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