That Moment You Realize that Your 10 Year Old Son Might Be Listening…Sometimes

by Mar 6, 2019Reflections

I often find strength and inspiration in a simple quote.  I’ll dissect the quote or passage…gain insight, reflect, and learn.  And when I have one of those ‘a-ha’ moments, it puts some air under my wings.  Know what I mean?

Take this quote for example, about perseverance. 

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson

What a great quote.  Simple, poignant, powerful.  A great lesson that I should weave into conversations with my children.


Well, last night…as I was yelling at my 10 year old son…a voice came into my head, and this is what he said:

VOICE:  “Dude, let’s look at your parenting style, shall we?

ME:  Sure.  You mean all those times when I explain something so well to my children, that they have their own ‘a-ha’ moment.  When they get a glimpse of the true lesson that I’m trying teach them, and become better humans?

VOICE:  “Um…yeah.  How often does it go down like that?”

ME:  Well… More times than not.  Right?

VOICE:  “”

ME:  Well what am I doing?

VOICE:  “Dude, you’re yelling.  And you do this face thing.  You know, when you look at them a certain way, and you just know that they’re immediately filled with a feeling of reverence and respect, and are totally tuned in to what you’re saying.”

ME:  Yeah?

VOICE:  “Dude, it doesn’t work.”


So after a few moments of my son looking at me, assuredly wondering why I paused mid-scowl, I decided to take another tact.

I asked him to write for me, 6 sentences, talking about why he should always finish what he starts.  (You know, Perseverance!)

I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but about 10 minutes later he came walking back into the room.  And what he brought back to me, left me speechless.  I was left only with a huge smile, a deep breath and a nod.  And I motioned to him a thumbs up, which meant: “You did good, you can go play Fortnite now”.

Below are the words that he wrote, I’ll hope you’ll read them through…for they are from the unfiltered heart of a 10 year old. 


I shouldn’t give up on something I’m doing.  I should always finish something I start.  If I give up now I will give up later in life.  If I don’t finish what I start, I will be lazy.  Another reason I shouldn’t be lazy because I won’t have friends if I am lazy.  There are many other reasons why I shouldn’t be lazy and not finish what I start.  Most of the reason I give up is because I am being lazy or scared.




There are a great many things in his passage that I have been thinking about since last night, but none more than this:

“If I give up now I will give up later in life.”

Mic Drop.  From a 10 year old.  Who is apparently, occasionally, listening.


You know those simple quotes I mentioned?  The ones that provide a little wind beneath my wings? 

Bette Midler’s got nothing on my boy. 

(It’s OK, you can look it up.)


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