The Battle of Evermore

by Jan 26, 2017Reflections

“When we feel safe inside the organization, we will naturally combine our talents and our strengths, and work tirelessly to face the dangers outside…and seize the opportunity.” Simon Sinek

This is a quote about leadership…a topic I was thinking about this morning. And frankly…how infrequently I’ve seen it. In my professional career, but also in my personal life.

Because leadership isn’t just about business. Leadership is about life.

Great leaders inspire those around them. Not just by rah-rah speeches…but by creating an atmosphere of Trust. Trust through example and sacrifice, through consistency of action and of purpose.

Genuine leadership is rare. Too often we are surrounded by ‘leaders’ who use things like fear and consequence, or only data and analysis…to ‘lead’. “I have to do it this way, or I’ll lose my job.”

Genuine leadership, whether in a business setting or any organization, including a family…requires a shared belief, which must be communicated and reinforced, constantly and consistently.


And as I continued to research the topic of leadership…invariably there are military examples. Examples of leadership from the battle ground. The playing field with the ultimate consequences. A place where true leadership, or the lack thereof, can mean people’s lives.

Can you imagine a general inspiring his troops before a battle by saying,

“Men…you have been drafted here for service to the King. And let me remind you that anyone refusing to fight, or fleeing from battle will suffer pain upon death as a deserter of his Majesties army.”

Pretty inspirational, huh? And yet..history has shown us these very words.


Isn’t this slightly akin to: “If you want to keep your job, you’ll do it this way.”

Sure…the consequences are far less…but each serves as an example of false leadership.

There is not Trust being built. There is no safety within the organization. And there will be no loyalty, as there is not leadership.


But I wanted to take it a step further. We are all the generals of our own lives. And we are all at constant war, with ourselves.

We battle those forces which cause us to make bad decisions. We intellectualize our world, and we react. And if we’re not careful, our bodies and our spirit (the organization) will not trust our own leadership.

The result?  A mutiny.   Fear, Doubt, Insecurity…for some, even Depression.



My discovery this morning has been this: Being a great leader starts with leading myself.


If I’m not winning the battle of my own life, how can I be a leader to those around me?


My challenge to you this today is this:  Envision yourself as a General. Whether commanding a vast organization, or an ‘army of one’. You’ve got the power to create the conditions for trust. And when you do…those you are trying and wanting to lead, will work tirelessly to face the dangers outside. Whatever those are for you…

Because leadership isn’t just about business and execution. Leadership is about selflessness and sacrifice, and about Trust. Leadership is about life.

Something I was reminded of by Mr. Robert Plant this morning, when he said:


“The Queen of light took her bow, and then she turned to go. The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked the night alone.”Led Zeppelin

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