The Greater of Two Goods

by Jan 2, 2019Reflections

How many times have you had to choose, seemingly, between “the lesser of two evils”?  Perhaps it’s a consequence of my age, or the negative media cycle that we all live in…but I sure seem to hear this phrase, a lot.

The concept implies making a decision (usually a tough decision) between two probable outcomes that are both poor.  And if we take the phrase literally, it would mean that both options are actually “evil”.  Kind of scary, eh?

“Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.” Jerry Garcia


Now, I know that the use of this saying, doesn’t necessarily mean that a person literally believes that the two choices in front of him or her are evil.  But we must remember the power of our words.  Our words become our thoughts become our reality.

Is this really the most productive way to approach a tough decision?

Why not approach things a different way?  Why not look for the greater of two goods?


Here are some things I know:

1. A negative lens will ALWAYS produce a negative result.

2. There is always a positive alternative.

3. We should NEVER shy away from making a tough decision, if one choice doesn’t satisfy 100% of those involved. 


There is ALWAYS a “net positive” between two choices, even if they are ‘less than desirable’.

Our challenge is to FIND that positive.  Our challenge is to continually SEEK that positive.  Our challenge, is to raise our personal standards so far…that ALL of our decisions can be made based upon the greater of two goods.

“Of two evils, choose neither.”C. H. Spurgeon

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