The Significance of SkyMall

“I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.” – Og Mandino
Remember those motivational posters that used to be so popular? The ones you saw in people’s offices, and in the SkyMall catalog on the airplane.
[ Side Note: Does the SkyMall catalog even exist anymore…you know, with in-flight movies and WiFi ]
Pictures of an eagle soaring that just said “EXCELLENCE”, or maybe a small boat in a stormy sea that said “PERSEVERANCE”.
[ Quick Google: Successories! That’s what they were called! ]
When did these become uncool?
Because that’s how it feels. It feels like people look at those things today, like they’re cheesy or something. I never see them any more.
Can you believe this? Am I wrong in my impression? Did these become uncool?
Or… did the company behind Successories focus too much on just one definition of success?
Well…my guess is that they simply fell out of ‘vogue’. But it made me think about the definition of success, and more importantly how we define it.
I watched an inspiring video this morning by the founder of the Auvi-Q, an epinephrine delivery pen…similar to the Epi-Pen, for those familiar.
His message was simple, but often overlooked. He encouraged the audience to consider Significance vs. Success.
Success has been programmed into us, as essentially the attainment of wealth and material possessions. And while I shall not shed my desire for a La Ferrari and a financial cushion that provides choice and freedom…I can honestly say that I desire significance more than the Merriam-Webster definition of success.
I desire impact. I want for the feeling that comes over us when we give selflessly.
Maybe I should found a company called “Significance-ories”. And we could have motivational posters aimed a little difference. Posters of normal people, dressed in ugly clothing, doing normal things. Picture these:
An aerial view photo, close up, of a size 2 shoe, laced and tied. Underneath, the word: ACCOMPLISHMENT
A picture of someone standing at a hospital bedside, holding the patient’s hand. Underneath, the word: SUPPORT
A photo of a man wearing a hair net and apron, spooning out creamed turkey on to a school lunch plate…and handing it to a woman carrying a child, with three others at her side looking up. Underneath, the word: SERVICE
A photo of a family sitting around the kitchen table, all hysterically laughing. Underneath, the word: JOY
Because all of these things are profoundly significant. And they highlight the distinct difference between significance and success.
Success is when I add value to myself. Significance is when I add value to others. - John Maxwell Share on X
And here’s the incredible secret. Each and every one of us has the opportunity to be significant, right now…every day. In fact, if you think about it…you already are.
Whether helping your child learn to tie their shoes, or supporting a loved on who is ill. Or perhaps serving at a local rescue mission, or just brightening the day of your family members by bringing them laughter. It’s already there, inside you and around you.
Please don’t get me wrong. I do desire wealth, and part of my process to shape routine and ritual is based on financial success. But part of that desire is rooted in having the resources to give. Having the resources to more fully pursue significance.
I want my cake, and I want to eat it too. I want the incredible WIN-WIN that comes from achieving the Successories definition of Success, so that I may pursue my own definition of Significance.
How do you define success?
How do you define significance?