Three Things that will get you Ripped, Fast

For many years I’ve struggled with my weight. Confronted at every turn by the modern image of the perfect male shape, and reminded by every mirror of my subcutaneous shortcomings.
Yes, I’m self conscious of my love handles…and I fluctuate between feeling fat and fit. And I certainly don’t want to marginalize or cast judgement upon people who struggle with their own weight. But this is about a different kind of struggle.
This article isn’t about getting swole, or buff, or ripped. At least not in the “Men’s Health” sort of way.
Nope. This short article is my chance to reflect on just a few lessons that can be learned from the one and only, Rip Wheeler.
Like many who have watched the Yellowstone series, I find that I’m most intrigued and entertained by Rip. I’d say it’s a bit of a man crush, but I’m much too manly to admit that. Cause, you know…I’m a man. A tough, rugged, no-nonsense, clear-cut, fearlessly loyal, hard working, wise-beyond-the-surface, shut-up-and-do-the-right-thing-or-I’ll-break-your-jaw…man.
A man’s man, really.
OK, not all the time.
I mean, am I rough and tough? Yes. When needed.
Am I loyal and hard working. I’d like to think so.
Am I fearless? You damn skippy…when motivated by my children’s safety.
But if I’m honest, part of the reason I like Rip so much is probably the traits that I see in him, that I want to see more often in myself.
And no, I’m not talking about the ruthless killer traits. (The man once said, “I wish they’d come back to life so I could kill ’em again.”) This is after all, fiction. So you’ll have to give me some creative and philosophical liberties. For when you look beyond Rip’s comfort with taking some people to the ‘train station’, and once you’ve gotten past his bloody…past, you’ll find a man who sees the world through unfiltered eyes. A man who doesn’t complicate his life any more than it needs to be complicated.
Rip is loyal to a fault. He follows his own right/wrong compass without hesitation. He works to provide for those around him as a servant. And he defends those he loves as a savage.
So my choice is to witness those qualities in Rip that I find admirable, and to reflect on how they can make me a better man, and husband, and father. And those qualities are most easily explored by diving into some of Rip’s more famous quotes. You might call this, ‘getting Ripped’.
Here are four of my favorite Rip Wheeler quotes, and what they say to me:
“You want to fight somebody, you come fight me.”
Personal responsibility. Rip takes ownership of the situation, at all times. He doesn’t pass the buck, he doesn’t look for excuses or blame. He has a standard that he expects to be carried forth, and he’ll defend that standard with his bare hands…figuratively, and most certainly literally.
This resonates with me on the Jocko level. Extreme Ownership. Check that out too.
“I’d rather kill a thousand men, than shoot another horse.”
Fighting for the Greater Good. Rip sees the beauty in his horses. Strong, stoic, loyal. His horses are simple and hard working. They sacrifice every day for the good of the cause. A trait that we rarely see today…especially in those men and women who are supposed to be our ‘leaders’. (starting with the 535 thieves on Capitol Hill)
This resonates with me when I think about legacy. What am I doing to impact the world I’m leaving my children.
“Boy, get over here. The only painless way to learn this lesson is to watch it.”
Building Resilience. This is a topic I think about a lot…especially for my children. Participation trophies and bubble wrap have become the cliche, but am I doing a good job balancing the establishment of their esteem and confidence with the incredible need to have them face adversity?
“I look at every day with you as a gift.”
Cultivating Gratitude. I don’t think you can sum up the miraculous virtue of gratitude any better than this. Whether it be for the love of your life (as this was said to Beth, and will be repeated to my Kodey), your children, loved ones, friends…or simply and quietly to the one who gives you life.
Gratitude drives Rip. His beginnings were so horrific, that regardless the ‘work’ that must be done…he is grateful for his life, and those in it. And he never forgets.
Perhaps all of us would do well to remember the trying times a little more often.
Thanks Rip.
And remember friends: A 12 pack of Busch Light, Leafy Greens and watching Yellowstone… three things that’ll get you ripped. Choose wisely.