
by Jun 10, 2019Poems & Quotes

Today I am grateful for another opportunity. To soak in the sun. To breathe in the air. To start the week anew. To refocus on the things that are really important.

Today I am grateful for another chance. To pursue the excellence that I’m capable of. To find growth in setback and opportunity in adversity.

Today I am grateful for another reminder. A grim reminder that my days are numbered. And an uplifting reminder that my remaining days are precious.

Today I am grateful for the tapestry of my life. For those I serve, and for those who serve me.

There is no better way to start the week, than gratitude. Be grateful my friends…and let’s get after it.

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I'd be honored to share some of my writings with you.  And I hope that some of my perspectives on things like Gratitude, Leadership, Happiness and a Powerful Mindset, might help you on YOUR journey. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey! I won't let you down.

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