Tony Soprano’s Thesis on Kinetic Image Processing

by Sep 10, 2019Reflections

If a picture is worth 1000 words…what’s a video worth?

I wondered this very thing this morning, and surprise, surprise, surprise…there are plenty of articles on the topic.  And some videos.
Yep, research, statistics, polling…all sorts of ways to analyze this question.  And there’s even a referenced empirical answer out there:

A 2008 Forrester study concluded that Video, since it’s shot at 30 frames per second (30 Hz), is worth 30,000 words per second (1000 words x 30 frames per second).

That’s 1.8MM words per minute.  This stat is actually referenced in a ton of articles out there.

Sounds a bit much…right?

But then you research a bit deeper, and there are plenty of articles citing studies about the human eye’s ability to perceive images even faster.

Turns out that most of us can detect well above 60 frames per second (60 Hz), and some folks are above 120 Hz.  Fighter pilots may be upwards of 180 Hz.


Does this mean that every second, we’re visually able to take in 1.8-3.6MM words worth of information.  Can the eyes of a fighter pilot enable him or her take in an astonishing 10.8MM words of information?  Well…we’re probably exaggerating a bit.


But perhaps the hyperbole just helps to make a point…that if there is so much power in imagery (a photo for example), there is almost infinite power in moving imagery (video).  That is to say, there is nearly infinite power in…ACTION.
And while this topic can send us off in countless directions, discussing things like marketing practices, political movement and other social commentary…I know we’ve all got more important things to do with our morning.  
So I’d like to just share one thought that this spurred for me.
The thought was of a famous quote:  “A goal without a plan, is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
This made me think of my goals as images, and how writing them down on a routine basis, having them in front of my eyes, etc…is powerful.
But more importantly, it made me think of the limitless power that I’m leaving untapped, every day that I don’t turn those images (goals) into videos (actions).
Whether concrete and empirical, or spiritual, or philosophical…the things I want to achieve require me to ACT.  NOW.
A goal, a resolution, a decision…these are super powerful when identified, especially with clarity.  

But combining my decisions with daily, purposeful ACTION…?


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